Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

The “Back to Life” young adult outreach was started three years ago primarily for people 18 – 25 years old. Research shows that this age group has been missing from the church. Therefore, this ministry’s purpose has been to reach students for God who are in college or on an early career track, and connect them with a Christian support group to address common pursuits and challenges specific to this age group. Emphasis is placed on practical spirituality in one’s every day journey. These young adults are provided mentorship by youth leaders.

Back to Life meetings are generally held once every other month. Social media is utilized to connect with students outside of Miami. We are thankful for the youth leaders who share a passion in serving and connecting to this population. As we progress, we are believing God to widen our scope of influence on college campuses as well as increase the presence and role of young adults in the church and Kingdom of God as a whole.