Childrens`s Ministry

Childrens`s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry obeys the mandate found in Proverbs 22: 6 which states, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Our mission is to prepare this generation for the purposes of building up God’s kingdom. Specifically, the Children’s Ministries of Faith and Life Fellowship Ministries serves the spiritual, mental and educational needs of children under 12 years old. Meetings are held on Sundays during the Sunday Morning Worship Service. This ministry is led primarily by Children’s Director, Rev. Laurel Taitt-Robinson, cooperatively with a committee of five people including Sis. Rian, Sis. Coco, Sis. Naomi and Sis. Chris-Ann. Adult and teen volunteers assist weekly in children’s church.

Bible lessons are taught through various mediums including that of puppetry, skits, videos and music. Summer programming has also been eventful with Summer Day Camp, 2-day STEM workshops, and Vacation Bible School. Additionally, the children have had an opportunity to minister to others outside of the church, whether at the Majestic Memory Care Elderly Home, Broward Outreach Center or at neighboring parks.

We are truly grateful to all those who have made significant contributions and supported this ministry over the past 20 years and look forward to greater increase as we grow in Christ.