LITW Sunday School

LITW Sunday School

The Sunday School was one of the earliest ministries in Faith & Life when it commenced. Now called Life in the Word, it is a place where both youth and adults have an opportunity to learn more about God’s Word, in an interactive way. The lessons learned are meant to be ingested and then applied to one’s daily life, so that each of us may live out the Word in all practicality.

Besides seeking to meet the spiritual needs of people, the Life in the Word ministry sought to provide nourishment for its attendees; and therefore, began a breakfast program in 2016. Efforts were also made to bridge the gap between the seniors and youth, with a program called Senior Outreach Services; in which a youth or young adult was paired up with a senior, to call him or her, or to assist with a special project. An in-Sunday School session also focused on allowing seniors to share “Tidbits of Wisdom” about their life and choices. An evangelical focus is also part of growing this ministry. Students in the past have gone out in the community and shared the Gospel with our neighbors during the Sunday morning session, and we have plans to do so again this year.

A few highlights that both parents and children look forward to are the mini productions or poem presentations our youth display during Palm Sunday, Easter, Mother and Father Days, and Christmas. It is always special when the smallest child gives their first “Merry Christmas” to the congregation. The Life in the Word ministry has also organized the church picnic, where all members come together and share in fellowship, food, and activities outside the four walls of the Church. The scripture that exemplifies this ministry is Philippians 4:9 (NKJV): “9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” That is our prayer and our mission.